An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure on a Commercial Roof
January 21, 2021
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure on a Commercial RoofCommercial Roofing Experts2025-01-15T06:43:05-05:00
An Ounce of Prevention really is Worth a Pound of Cure.
True story: My sister has dentophobia (fear of the dentist), and consequently managed to stay away from the dentist for more than 10 years. Correct…10 years. But eventually she started having pain in a tooth and she was forced to go in. As it turned out, she didn’t have a problem with just one tooth; she had issues with many! The long list of problems included three root canals and crowns. Her lack of regular maintenance cost her pain, additional down time and an enormous bill.
We see this happen with roofs a lot! People don’t feel any pain, so everything is good, right? As this story demonstrates, that’s usually not the case. There’s a reason we perform regular maintenance…to stay ahead of big problems!
According to Roofing Contractor Magazine, it costs 2.5 times MORE to fix a leak, than the average annual cost of preventative maintenance. And that excludes costs of other interior damage, seen or unseen.
It’s easy to want to skimp on annual expenses, but they are much easier to plan for, and ultimately, much less expensive.