Like it or not, Winter is coming!

If you were a Game of Thrones fan, you might recall that the first episode was titled “Winter Is Coming.” Much of the first season focused on preparation for a long cold winter. Well, Winter IS coming, and we’ve put together a few things you can do to prepare your commercial roof for Winter.

As a commercial property owner or facility manager, you are well aware of the importance of a sound roof. Taking a few proactive measures during the Fall months will help prevent expensive leaks and repairs when the temperature plummets and your roof is covered in snow and ice.

Weather extremes are hard on your roof, and the constant freeze/thaw cycles of Minnesota Winters can be especially damaging. Your roof membrane contracts in the cold and expands as it warms, turning minor issues into big ones. Fortunately, seasonal damage can often be prevented by having your roof inspected and repairing any problems now, before the snow flies.

 As snow accumulates on your roof, a layer of ice forms on its surface. Thawing snow starts to pool and will find its way to the path of least resistance. A well-maintained commercial roof with no structural deficiencies will drain into its drainage system. In short, investing in a professional inspection by Mint Roofing could potentially prevent costly interior damage and repairs later.

freezing man in parka with text

How can you make sure your commercial roof is ready for Winter?


The first step in prepping your roof for Winter is to review your maintenance history. 

  • How old is your roof? 
  • When was it last inspected?
  • Have you had any signs of minor leaks during the Spring and Summer months?
  • Have there been any significant storms since its last inspection?


If you’re not already part of our TopSite Preventative Maintenance program, you should schedule an inspection as soon as possible. Winter will be here before you know it, and our calendar fills up quickly once we get to the end of September.


Schedule repairs for any issues discovered immediately. As we’ve pointed out before, little issues tend to become big problems once the weather turns cold. All too often, roof damage doesn’t become a problem until the Spring thaw. 

Now is also the time to clean the leaves from your drains, gutters, and downspouts. Your Mint Roofing techs will make sure that your drainage system is clear and in good working condition. If trees shed their leaves on your roof after our visit, be sure to make arrangements to have them removed before the first snowfall.

Preparing your commercial roof for Winter – It’s a choice

There is no way around it – commercial roofs will eventually leak. The goal is to repair minor roof damage before it leads to leaks and costly interior damage. Over time, proper maintenance will save your organization money and disruption to business that even a minor leak brings.

Our TopSite Preventative Maintenance program is the easiest way to keep your roof in tip-top shape for every seasonal change. But our commercial roofing experts welcome new clients who want to schedule a pre-winter commercial roof inspection. 

Call us today to schedule yours at 952-473-8080 


Q: Why is it important to prepare my commercial roof for winter?

A: Weather extremes can be hard on your roof, especially Minnesota winters’ constant freeze/thaw cycles. Your roof membrane contracts in the cold and expands as it warms, turning minor issues into big problems. Taking proactive measures during the Fall months can prevent expensive leaks and repairs when the temperature plummets and your roof is covered in snow and ice.

Q: How does winter weather damage my commercial roof?

A: As snow accumulates on your roof, a layer of ice forms on its surface. Thawing snow starts to pool and will find its way to the path of least resistance. If your roof has any structural deficiencies, this can lead to leaks and interior damage.

Q: How do I start preparing my commercial roof for winter?

A: The first step is to review your maintenance history. Check when your roof was last inspected, whether there have been signs of minor leaks during the Spring and Summer months, and if there have been any significant storms since its last inspection. If you’re not already part of a preventative maintenance program, schedule an inspection as soon as possible.

Q: What should I do if the inspection reveals issues?

A: Schedule repairs for any issues discovered immediately. Minor issues can become big problems once the weather turns cold. It’s also an excellent time to clean the leaves from your drains, gutters, and downspouts to ensure your drainage system is clear and in good working condition.

Q: How can Mint Roofing help me prepare my commercial roof for winter?

A: Mint Roofing offers a TopSite Preventative Maintenance program, which keeps your roof in tip-top shape for every seasonal change. We also welcome new clients who want to schedule a pre-winter commercial roof inspection. Call us at 952-473-8080 to schedule an appointment.