Busting Commercial Roofing Myths: The Truth About Your Roof

June 18, 2024

Every industry has its own folklore and has to deal with myths, misunderstandings, and misinformation. The commercial roofing industry is no different. This blog post lists some of the most common commercial roofing myths that we hear. Myth #1: My roof is new, so there’s nothing to worry about. Sigh. If only that were true. … Read More

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure on a Commercial Roof

January 21, 2021

An Ounce of Prevention really is Worth a Pound of Cure.   True story: My sister has dentophobia (fear of the dentist), and consequently managed to stay away from the dentist for more than 10 years. Correct…10 years. But eventually she started having pain in a tooth and she was forced to go in. As … Read More

Your Commercial Roof Gets Cold and Crabby In the Winter Too

January 7, 2021

I know you probably think I shouldn’t have as many complaints after this milder winter, but man…it was still cold out there!   Let me tell you that with so little snow, there was also no protection or insulation up there. During those subzero days and weeks, everything was exposed. I know. You feel like … Read More

Seal the Deal this Winter with Preventative Commercial Roof Protection

November 19, 2020

No one wants to get an “F”, especially on his or her roof. Cheer up…we’ve got study notes for you.   It’s time to get schooled on Sealant Failures. First, it helps to understand that sealants are used in a variety of ways on a roof. Sometimes they’re used more like caulking to fill space … Read More