How Condensation Can Mimic Commercial Roof Leaks

October 1, 2024

It might not be a leak – it might be condensation. While the majority of interior water damage in commercial buildings is caused by roof damage, there is another possible cause that you may not have considered. When cool, dry inside air causes the warm moist outside air to change form into liquid water droplets, … Read More

Commercial Building Leases and Roof Maintenance FAQs (Part 2)

July 23, 2024

In our first blog in this 2-part series, we discussed various scenarios involving commercial roof maintenance and who is responsible for maintenance and repairs. We continue the conversation in this blog, taking a deeper dive into commercial building leases and roof maintenance and the rights and responsibilities of lessees pertaining to the roof.   If … Read More

Commercial Building Leases and Roof Maintenance FAQs (Part 1)

July 16, 2024

If you are a business owner leasing all or part of a commercial building, it is important to understand your responsibilities regarding roof maintenance. Roof repairs are among the most costly repairs in commercial buildings, so it is essential to know what your lease agreement says about who is responsible for roof maintenance and any … Read More

Finding the Best Commercial Roofing Contractor in Minnesota: 7 Things to Consider

June 25, 2024

What to look for to  find the best commercial roofing contractor in Minnesota for your project. You’ve budgeted for a significant commercial roofing project, and now you’re ready to start researching contractors and requesting bids. How can you be sure you’ve found the best commercial roofing contractor in Minnesota for your project? In this blog, … Read More

Flat Commercial Roof Replacement Process: 5 Phases

May 21, 2024

When it’s time for a flat commercial roof replacement, property managers and building owners can expect a few phases of work. Although the specific steps may vary depending on the contractor, project scope, and local regulations, some general things happen during every roof replacement project. This blog post will outline what to expect from beginning … Read More

7 Commercial Roofing Myths

April 23, 2024

Every industry has its own folklore and has to deal with myths, misunderstandings, and misinformation. The commercial roofing industry is no different. This blog post lists some of the most common commercial roofing myths that we hear. Myth #1: My roof is new, so there’s nothing to worry about. Sigh. If only that were true. … Read More

The Comprehensive Guide to Commercial Roof Preventative Maintenance

November 14, 2023

Commercial Roof Preventative Maintenance: Money Well Spent. Effective maintenance is crucial for commercial property structures, ensuring long-term cost efficiency. This is especially true for your commercial roof, which represents a substantial financial investment. Regularly scheduled preventative maintenance can extend the life of your roof, prevent costly repairs, and even increase the overall value of your … Read More

Commercial Roof Leaks: The Real Costs

August 29, 2023

Nothing is quite as upsetting for a business owner as finding water dripping from the ceiling of their commercial roof. Even though we’ve had a long dry summer, heavy rain and snow are an inevitability in Minnesota.   Commercial roof leaks can cause a long list of issues not only for the building and its … Read More

Selecting a Commercial Roofing Contractor

August 22, 2023

Commercial roofs can be one of the most expensive construction components on any building (but also one of the most important since it protects all that is housed within). Although tempting to simply take the low bid, there are other questions you should be asking. Let’s walk through some steps that will show you how … Read More

Commercial Roofing Management: Why Being Proactive Is So Important

April 11, 2023

What is proactive commercial roofing management, and how does it benefit facility managers? 1. REDUCES REPAIR COSTS OVER TIME In previous blogs, we’ve discussed conditions that can damage your roof. In almost every example, making repairs when roof damage is minimal helps prevent more costly repairs down the road.  Routine inspections and regular upkeep help … Read More

Benefits of Hiring a Minnesota State-Approved CPV Contractor for Commercial Roofing

May 20, 2021

The how-to and benefits of hiring a Minnesota State-Approved CPV Contractor Before you begin the process of contracting a commercial roofing company, you may want to take note of an efficient way to obtain services without issuing a solicitation. Minnesota State-Approved Cooperative Purchasing Vendor (CPV) contracts lower the cost of goods to users because of … Read More

Top 10 Commercial Roof Problems

April 1, 2021

Our inspectors are out almost every day inspecting roofs all over Minnesota, and they see lots of interesting things going on. So what are the issues they see most often? Well, we don’t want the suspense to kill you, so read on!   This summer’s Top 10 List of Roof Issues (with pictures to boot!): … Read More

Commercial Roofing -What is there to LOVE?

February 18, 2021

It’s all in the eyes of the beholder.   Admittedly it’s not the most glamorous of industries, but when you’re full of passion about what you do (Mint Roofing Core Value No. 1), roofing (as seen through the eyes of the beholder) is the greatest profession ever. Just ask our team…   Tim: I love … Read More

What to Know About Solar Panels on Commercial Roofs

February 4, 2021

Solar panels on rooftops, something we see more and more of, offer energy solutions, but also attract and reflect heat and light that can cause blisters on built-up roofs, and warping on EPDM (rubber) roofs.   Another issue or concern we often see on rubber roofs, is the moving of rock (which is the ballast … Read More

Low Bid vs. The Best Bid in Commercial Roofing

January 28, 2021

  Battle of the Bids Makes for Some Interesting Sleuthing   Most everyone we know is pretty thrifty when it comes to spending money…especially when it’s on something substantial like a new roof. So the natural reaction is to start getting quotes to answer the big question of “what’s it going to cost?”   The … Read More

What a Commercial Roof and Your Teeth have in Common

January 14, 2021

Not many people relish the idea of going to the dentist…for lots of reasons. But most of us make ourselves go every six months to a year for our regular cleanings and preventative maintenance. We all know that taking care of our teeth proactively will make our teeth last longer. Makes sense.   The same … Read More

Your Commercial Roof Gets Cold and Crabby In the Winter Too

January 7, 2021

I know you probably think I shouldn’t have as many complaints after this milder winter, but man…it was still cold out there!   Let me tell you that with so little snow, there was also no protection or insulation up there. During those subzero days and weeks, everything was exposed. I know. You feel like … Read More

A Commercial Roof Shouldn’t Look Like a Lake

December 10, 2020

With more than 10,000 lakes in Minnesota, the last place you want to find one is on your roof. But that’s exactly what can happen if water can’t drain properly!   Whether it’s snowmelt or a heavy rain, water has to go somewhere. Commercial roofs use drains to remove water from the roof. But if … Read More

Why Ice Dams are a Serious Problem on Commercial Roofs

December 3, 2020

Chances are if you’ve lived in this winter climate for any amount of time, you’ve had some experience with ice dams on your own house. The warm air under the insulated portion of the roof causes snow to melt. When the water travels down to the over hang (the un-insulated portion of the roof), it … Read More

Snow Load on a Commercial Roof: A Weighty Issue

November 26, 2020

This winter hasn’t generated any monster snow build-ups…yet. But we have a long way to go before we’re in the clear. And believe it or not, no snow can do a different kind of damage. Just like a light blanket of snow insulates the grass and shrubs in our yards (protecting them from the cold), … Read More

Seal the Deal this Winter with Preventative Commercial Roof Protection

November 19, 2020

No one wants to get an “F”, especially on his or her roof. Cheer up…we’ve got study notes for you.   It’s time to get schooled on Sealant Failures. First, it helps to understand that sealants are used in a variety of ways on a roof. Sometimes they’re used more like caulking to fill space … Read More