Commercial Roof Replacement: What to Expect

July 9, 2024

What to expect when you’re about to have your commercial roof replaced. So you’ve decided to replace your commercial roof, and you have lots of questions: How long will it take? How will it disrupt my business? Will it be a messy process? Is it noisy? Let’s look at what you can expect during your commercial … Read More

Busting Commercial Roofing Myths: The Truth About Your Roof

June 18, 2024

Every industry has its own folklore and has to deal with myths, misunderstandings, and misinformation. The commercial roofing industry is no different. This blog post lists some of the most common commercial roofing myths that we hear. Myth #1: My roof is new, so there’s nothing to worry about. Sigh. If only that were true. … Read More

7 Signs It Might Be Time to Replace Your Commercial Roof

June 11, 2024

Will you know when it’s time to replace your commercial roof?  How do you know when it’s time to replace your commercial roof? Since your building is often your most valuable asset, it’s critical to preserve it.  A commercial roof’s primary function is to protect the contents of your building from leaks. Unfortunately, many weaknesses … Read More

Commercial Flat Roof Tips: Get Ready for Spring and Summer (2024)

April 30, 2024

As the weather starts to warm up, it’s important to be thinking about getting your commercial roof ready for Spring. The last thing you want when the rain starts to pour is a leaky roof! This blog post will discuss some commercial flat roof tips to keep in mind to get your commercial roof ready … Read More

Springtime Commercial Roof Inspections: What Our Roofers Find!

April 9, 2024

It’s finally starting to feel like Spring. Even though we’ve had an unusually mild winter, there’s nothing quite like Spring in Minnesota to lift one’s spirits and put the thoughts of cold weather on the shelf for the next six months. And with Spring weather comes one of our busiest times of the year: Commercial … Read More

The Impact of Heavy Snow and Spring Rain on Commercial Roofs

March 26, 2024

Well, we almost made it. The winter of 2023-24 was one of the mildest on record and it looked like we were going to break a record for the lowest winter snowfall in recorded history. Then came March… Our recent heavy, wet snowfall is causing all sorts of problems with our clients’ flat commercial roofs. … Read More

Commercial Roof Flashing 101: The Basics

January 30, 2024

What is commercial roof flashing, and do I need to know about it? When a roofing company is in the process of building a new commercial structure, one of the most critical components to consider is flashing. Flashing refers to the materials used to seal around edges, corners, and roof penetration that protect against water … Read More

Commercial Roof Maintenance: Plan Ahead to Avoid Costly Repairs

January 2, 2024

Commercial roofs are often neglected until there is a problem. The damage has already been done by that time, and a costly repair bill is likely in order. The best way to avoid this scenario is to plan ahead for commercial roof maintenance. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for keeping your … Read More

Santa and His Reindeer – How to Prepare Your Commercial Roof

December 12, 2023

Make sure your commercial roof is ready for Santa with these tips… Have you ever wondered if a visit by Santa and his reindeer could cause damage to your commercial roof? If Santa was coming to visit your house, there would be no need for concern. But, when they visit your business, you must take … Read More

Can Your Commercial Roof Leak in The Winter?

December 5, 2023

Now that winter is officially here, many commercial building owners and managers start to think about the potential problems that may arise due to the inevitable snow and ice buildup on their roofs. While we tend to think of summer rainfall as the leading cause of roof leaks, winter weather can also pose a significant … Read More

Commercial Roof Preventative Maintenance Plans: Now Is The Time To Set It Up

November 28, 2023

The days are getting shorter, the weather is colder, winter is here–and December is just a few days away! That means it’s time to be thinking about budgeting your preventative maintenance program for your commercial building’s roof for 2024. And now is the perfect time to get started! By establishing a regular maintenance schedule now, … Read More

The Comprehensive Guide to Commercial Roof Preventative Maintenance

November 14, 2023

Commercial Roof Preventative Maintenance: Money Well Spent. Effective maintenance is crucial for commercial property structures, ensuring long-term cost efficiency. This is especially true for your commercial roof, which represents a substantial financial investment. Regularly scheduled preventative maintenance can extend the life of your roof, prevent costly repairs, and even increase the overall value of your … Read More

6 Tips for Taking Care of Your Commercial Roof This Winter (2024)

November 7, 2023

Commercial Roof Maintenance During the Winter Months This time of year can be problematic for your commercial roof. Snow and ice accumulation, freezing and thawing temperatures, and the potential for leaks all make it essential to maintain your commercial roof this winter. Luckily, you can take some simple steps to protect your commercial roof from … Read More

Winter Commercial Roof Maintenance: Protecting Your Investment (2024)

October 10, 2023

The Importance of Winter Commercial Roof Maintenance At Mint Roofing, we understand that your commercial property is a significant investment. Ensuring the health of your commercial roof during the harsh winter months is crucial to protect that investment. Winter brings challenges like snow and ice accumulation, freezing and thawing temperatures, and the potential for leaks. … Read More

What Is Meant By Commercial Roofing, and How Does it Differ From Residential Roofing?

October 3, 2023

What is Commercial Roofing? Commercial roofing refers to the installation of commercial roofs for businesses, warehouses, and other large commercial structures. A commercial roof provides protection from the elements like snow and rain for the contents and occupants of the business inside. A sound roof is critical to a business’ operation, as even minor leaks … Read More

Commercial Roof Inspections: The things we find!

September 19, 2023

Welcome to what many midwesterners consider the best (and shortest) season of the year – Fall! Fall is a busy season for commercial roof inspections. Building owners and property managers want to make sure that their roof is ready for the long winter that’s just around the corner. Our inspectors find lots of things when … Read More

How to Prepare Your Commercial Roof for Winter

September 12, 2023

If you were a Game of Thrones fan, you might recall that the first episode was titled “Winter Is Coming.” Much of the first season focused on preparation for a long cold winter. Well, Winter IS coming, and we’ve put together a few things you can do to prepare your commercial roof for Winter. As … Read More

Commercial Roof Management: The Benefits of Maintaining Your Commercial Roof

August 15, 2023

Commercial Roof Management Can Save You Time and Money. Commercial roof management is critical for commercial building owners, property managers, and facility managers. This blog post will discuss the cost benefits of maintaining your commercial roof to extend its life and postpone an expensive commercial roof repair. Commercial Roofs are Expensive to Replace. Replacing the … Read More

Schedule Fall Commercial Roof Inspections Now

August 8, 2023

Commercial Roof Inspections: Avoid the Fall Rush. Like it or not, Summer is quickly coming to an end. And we all know what that means. At Mint Roofing, we understand the importance of a well-maintained and reliable roof for your commercial building. It protects your assets, employees, and customers from the hazards and property damage … Read More

5 Warning Signs That it’s Time to Replace Your Commercial Roof

August 1, 2023

If you’re thinking about roof replacement but unsure whether you really need one, here are five warning signs that indicate that it may be time to replace your commercial roof: The roof is more than 25 years old Blistering appears on the roof’s surface The roof is uneven or soft in certain areas There is an … Read More

Celebrating National Roofing Week 2023

June 4, 2023

Celebrating National Roofing Week: Join Mint Roofing in Honoring Excellence and Community. June 4-11 is National Roofing Week, and Mint Roofing is thrilled to participate in this annual event that recognizes the crucial role roofs play in our day-to-day lives.  Organized by the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), this week-long celebration provides an opportunity to showcase … Read More

Commercial Roofing Cost: What drives pricing?

September 13, 2022

Commercial Roofing Cost: What drives pricing? One of the most common questions we get asked is, “How much will it cost to install/replace my commercial roof?” The answer has become more difficult than ever to answer – especially in the last year or so. Let’s look at what impacts commercial roofing costs. Market Volatility The … Read More

Commercial Roof Inspection: Avoid the Fall Rush

August 2, 2022

It’s not too late to schedule your 2022 commercial roof inspection or maintenance project – Yet. If you’ve been putting off scheduling your commercial roof inspection, repair, or replacement project – NOW is the time to get on our calendar. As we approach the end of Summer, we are expecting record business and long lead … Read More

Church or School Roof Replacement: 4 Reasons to Consider It

June 14, 2022

A church or school roof replacement is an expense that is difficult to budget for. How do you know if it’s best to repair your commercial roof or if it’s time for a church or school roof replacement for your organization? If you are an administrator of a school, a church, or on the board … Read More