Commercial Roofing Cost: What drives pricing?

September 13, 2022

Commercial Roofing Cost: What drives pricing? One of the most common questions we get asked is, “How much will it cost to install/replace my commercial roof?” The answer has become more difficult than ever to answer – especially in the last year or so. Let’s look at what impacts commercial roofing costs. Market Volatility The … Read More

Commercial Roof Inspection: Avoid the Fall Rush

August 2, 2022

It’s not too late to schedule your 2022 commercial roof inspection or maintenance project – Yet. If you’ve been putting off scheduling your commercial roof inspection, repair, or replacement project – NOW is the time to get on our calendar. As we approach the end of Summer, we are expecting record business and long lead … Read More

How are supply shortages affecting the commercial roofing industry?

September 7, 2021

How are supply shortages affecting the commercial roofing industry and how does it impact you? Supply shortages are everywhere. From cars to building materials to labor, almost every industry faces shortages due to the economic disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic and many other unforeseen events such as fires, hurricanes, unexpected freezing, and even canal closures. … Read More

Commercial Roofs Vs. Summer Heat

June 24, 2021

In Minnesota, the hottest temperatures are in July and August…the months we all live for and dream about in January and February when temps are at their coldest.   So what’s happening on your commercial roof during these hottest of summer days?  With a properly maintained roof, hopefully not much. But some common issues include … Read More

Benefits of Hiring a Minnesota State-Approved CPV Contractor for Commercial Roofing

May 20, 2021

The how-to and benefits of hiring a Minnesota State-Approved CPV Contractor Before you begin the process of contracting a commercial roofing company, you may want to take note of an efficient way to obtain services without issuing a solicitation. Minnesota State-Approved Cooperative Purchasing Vendor (CPV) contracts lower the cost of goods to users because of … Read More

Bid With the Best in the State

May 6, 2021

As a Minnesota State-Approved CPV Contractor, Mint Roofing has been vetted and approved to provide services to state agencies in the Twin Cities and regions across southern Minnesota. The commercial roofing expertise, quality and customer service that we provide qualified us for CPV approval, but it’s also how we have earned customer trust, loyalty, and … Read More

A Mint-y Fresh Perspective on Making Choices

April 22, 2021

  When you start working at a new company, you don’t know what to expect. Sure, you’ve done your research. You know it’s a family-owned and operated business, you’re impressed by their safety record, and to top it off, the scuttlebutt in the industry is nothing but complimentary.   You’re convinced you’re in the know, … Read More

Top 10 Commercial Roof Problems

April 1, 2021

Our inspectors are out almost every day inspecting roofs all over Minnesota, and they see lots of interesting things going on. So what are the issues they see most often? Well, we don’t want the suspense to kill you, so read on!   This summer’s Top 10 List of Roof Issues (with pictures to boot!): … Read More

Why Relationships Matter: The Value of Partnerships

March 25, 2021

Imagine if every time you went to the dentist, you had to start from scratch. Sure, sure…they have your file from the “other” dentist, but they still want to do their own base level examination, complete with X-rays, just so they have a true understanding of your situation and any issues that may need to … Read More

Pretty as a Penny; Tough as Nails: Using Copper in Commercial Roofing

March 18, 2021

Using copper is a popular, albeit expensive, choice of commercial roofing materials. In fact, the expense is often the sole reason alternative materials are chosen. But there are some clear (and shiny) benefits to using copper as a roofing solution:   It’s durable. In some cases, it is known to have lasted centuries, but definitely … Read More

Commercial Roof Inspector | A Day in the Life

March 4, 2021

6 a.m. – Inspectors arrive at the shop. After completing estimates and reports from the previous day’s TopSite inspections, they review the new work orders and the day’s “hit list.”   7:20 a.m. – First roof: a small one story building in Milaca, Minnesota.    No matter the size, the process is the same: Walk … Read More

Commercial Roofing -What is there to LOVE?

February 18, 2021

It’s all in the eyes of the beholder.   Admittedly it’s not the most glamorous of industries, but when you’re full of passion about what you do (Mint Roofing Core Value No. 1), roofing (as seen through the eyes of the beholder) is the greatest profession ever. Just ask our team…   Tim: I love … Read More

Low Bid vs. The Best Bid in Commercial Roofing

January 28, 2021

  Battle of the Bids Makes for Some Interesting Sleuthing   Most everyone we know is pretty thrifty when it comes to spending money…especially when it’s on something substantial like a new roof. So the natural reaction is to start getting quotes to answer the big question of “what’s it going to cost?”   The … Read More

What’s in a Name? TopSite Commercial Roof Proactive Maintenance

January 1, 2021

Shakespeare’s famous line from Romeo and Juliet, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” implies that the names of things do not affect what they really are. The guy was poetic, for sure, but that may not always ring true.   Case in point: the rebranding of our much-loved preventative maintenance program … Read More

Flood, Sweat, and Tears – Common Commercial Roof Mistakes

December 24, 2020

We get calls on a regular basis to come and fix what appears to be a leak on a roof. But sometimes it turns out to be a condensation problem. It’s like the roof is sweating, and that water then drips inside the building (which is why people often assume they have a leak).   … Read More

Seal the Deal this Winter with Preventative Commercial Roof Protection

November 19, 2020

No one wants to get an “F”, especially on his or her roof. Cheer up…we’ve got study notes for you.   It’s time to get schooled on Sealant Failures. First, it helps to understand that sealants are used in a variety of ways on a roof. Sometimes they’re used more like caulking to fill space … Read More